As of February 17th, my parents have been married for 28 years! Looking at pictures like this and seeing them at the age I am now makes me view them in a totally different way. I've always seen parents as strong and unbreakable. They've always given me a feeling of security. I know if they're there everything will be okay. Thinking about them as young newlyweds is kinda strange. To think if they were scared or unsure of the future, feels a bit weird. My parents have always had the answers. I know they've learned as they've gone, but to me, it seems like they've always known what to do. That shows how great of parents they are; as their child, I've always felt safe. Whether they were uncertain of things, I never saw it. They've had plenty of struggles and heartaches throughout their years together, but they rely on each other. I know they truly love each other. I'm so grateful for the example they are to me. I hope one day to marry a man who respects me as much as my father respects my mother, and to have a love like theirs. Congrats Mom and Dad! I love you!