It's that time of year! Everyone has been posting what they're thankful for on facebook or blogs. If you haven't heard enough of people's gratefulness, continue reading :) If I wrote about everything I'm grateful for, this post might never end. I could go on about how grateful I am to simply be able to breathe and have blood moving through my veins, or how grateful I am for my nice warm bed in the middle of a snowstorm. So I narrowed it down, and it turns out, people fill the top slots on my thankful list:
1. Jesus Christ. Whether you believe in Him as the Savior of mankind, or just a man who lived years and years ago, he is the ultimate example of how to live. Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but as I've tried to mirror His life, I've found it's the best thing in place of one.

-He didn't judge. Ever. He taught to judge righteously.
-He embraced everyone. Such a hindrance in this world is people trying to change each other, not letting people voice their opinions, and hating (yes, hating) others based solely on their beliefs. What happened to respect? Christ turned away no one. He wanted everyone close to Him, whether He agreed with their actions or not. He taught if you have enemies, love them.
-He forgave. Even moments after men had nailed Him to a cross, He forgave them for it. That is something I have a hard time fathoming. But it shows that that kind of forgiveness is possible. It gives me hope. If He can forgive that, I can forgive my little grievances.
-He was selfless. While reading stories of His life, I am in awe of how He was always focused on other people, never Himself. As I look at my life, it's kind of pathetic how I get frustrated and consumed over the silliest things, when there are people out there struggling just to put food on the table. Christ's focus was outward, not inward.
-I could go on and on about His attributes and character, but overall, He loved. His way is so simple that it kind of seems too easy: Love. That's it.
I'm so grateful for Him. I've been working on this post for a week and I just can't get out what I want to say. I've typed and deleted so many things. . . I can't put into English how my little heart feels. So just love, people. Just love.
2. The Family:
-My Parents. I've got some real good ones!
-The Brothers: My protectors, the cause of my laughter, my friends, my examples.
Dal's face in this pic is a little scary, but it's the most recent one I have of them. I think it captures their essence ;)
Lately I've noticed how much they take care of me. They do things for me and make sure I'm comfortable. They are interested in how I'm doing. And if I'm not doing well, they talk to me about it and help me feel better. The other day at work I was fretting about something completely out of my control. Dal kinda smiled because he knew I was being a bit silly, then he turned to me and said, "Just focus on yourself. The rest will fall into place." So I did. And I was just fine :)
I'm grateful for how hard they make me laugh. The other night Brys and I were driving home from work, jamming out to the radio. He started singing a Katy Perry song as high as he could. I could not stop laughing. Listening to this brother of mine who is a huge basketball player (literally, he's a giant!) sing in a falsetto voice was priceless. He sang the whole song, and I laughed the whole way home. I'm fortunate to have two brothers so concerned about me. I'm thankful for their seriousness and their goofiness. I'm never surprised by their wisdom, or their ability to make me laugh harder than the time before.
-The Briggs: Just the cutest little family I ever did see!
They are constantly serving others. I'm pretty sure Justin signs up for any opportunity to volunteer at Deseret Industries or the Cannery. This seems like a simple action, but it's surprising how many hands don't go up in church when they're asking for volunteers. I imagine his goes up every time. Years ago, I was walking into work and dropped my cute pink purse into the winter slush. It was gross. When I brought it in, Justin took it without saying anything and washed it for me. I still remember him at the sink, rinsing out my little purse.
Ash defines the word friend. Seriously. One time I was getting ready to go on a date and I was breaking out in hives. It was about 40 minutes til date time. She had come to my house for something and immediately volunteered to go buy me medicine. She did and saved the day :) She is constantly thinking of others. She offers to watch her friend's kids, so they can have a date night, even though she's got a family of her own. And she takes meals and goodies around to her neighbors and friends all the time. I have one sweet sister :)
Many times when I've been upset or having a tough time they'll call me and invite me over. I've gone to their house down at times, and leave feeling up :) I have so many memories of what might seem like little things they've done for me, and they all add up to a whole bunch of kindness I am so thankful for.
This little guy has had a lot to do with my smiles the past two years. Just hearing his little footsteps in my house makes me so happy. I find everything he does just adorable. He has my heart. One day we were walking to the park to play and he pointed and said, "What's that house doin'??" I was laughing so hard. He cracks me up all the time by the most simple things. For the longest time he'd sing, "Don't stop! Belieeeeving!" Adorable :) Recently, Ash informed me that his new favorite song is 'We are never getting back together', by T Swift. So the other night we were hanging out and I put that song on repeat. We seriously listened to it for an hour, over and over again. He sang it at the top of his lungs and we danced around. It was great. I'm sooo thankful for this little guy :)
I don't get to see her often. I don't get to speak with her often. I don't get to hear her voice, or see her face, or laugh with her. But I do get to look at old pictures of us and remember when we were best friends. When I was a senior in high school, she was a sophomore. She'd pack me lunches and leave them in my locker. She'd leave me such funny notes next to my apple sauce and crackers. I still have them. They still make me laugh. And at the same time they cause my heart to ache, for want of the past, for want of who once was my best friend.
I am thankful she is my sister. I am thankful I got to share a room with her even though I complained so much about it. I'm thankful for the bracelet she made me for my 19th birthday. I'm thankful for our inside jokes that never leave me. I'm thankful for all the late night conversations at the McDonald's in Wal Mart as we ate our McFlurries. I'm thankful for what was a special bond, as sisters, we shared. I know we'll share it again one day. Things like these take time.
Holla, where ever you are, where ever you go, know I miss you more than words could ever say. And I love you even more than that. Forever. <3
3. Kim Kim Kim. There is never a dull moment with this girl. EVER!
She is the sweetest gal you will ever meet. She has such a big heart. She is so kind to everyone, even when she has a reason not to be. She lives life to the fullest - dancing in H&M, taking pictures and documenting life, and trying her hardest to be the best person she can be. I admire her for so many things. She is a real friend. When good things happen to me, she is happy. She doesn't get jealous or envy. I've had a hard time finding that in friends, until I met her. She listens to all of my pointless drama. And at the end of those
conversations we say, "One day we'll look back at this conversation and
laugh about how ridiculous we were." She seriously makes me laugh so hard. When she sees something she likes she'll say excitedly, "Oh, hello friend." She cracks me up! She's there for me 24/7. I can always count on her. One day I was at work and was having a hard time, to say the least. I was texting her about it and the next thing I knew she was walking through the door to cheer me up. She is my best friend. I am so grateful for her.
Happy Thanksgiving folks :)
Happy Thanksgiving folks :)