Last week, Owen & I went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point.
We had a blast.
At a point in the exhibit, we were given two options;
we could continue down the hall to the next display,
or we could turn left.
The left's path was dark and made to feel like outer space,
with lots of bright little stars.
"Owen, do you want to go this way?" I asked him.
He said no, and booked it past the left's entrance.
I wasn't surprised.
It was dark & a bit scary for a three-year-old.
After we had gone through the whole exhibit once, he wanted to go again.
So we did.
We arrived at that point again, and he stopped at the left's entrance.
I could tell he wanted to go in, but was nervous to do it.
"Want to go in?" I asked.
"I can't do it.." he replied.
"Sure you can, I'll show you."
I took his hand, and we stepped into the dark room.
"See? It's like outer space, see all the stars? It's like we're astronauts!"
He laughed with a mix of nerves and excitement "Oooh, I'm a astronaut!"
We made it through outer space, and he wanted to go again.
And again.
And again.
Each time he held my hand the whole way.
This past week was a bit stressful... to say the least.
We had a blast.
At a point in the exhibit, we were given two options;
we could continue down the hall to the next display,
or we could turn left.
The left's path was dark and made to feel like outer space,
with lots of bright little stars.
"Owen, do you want to go this way?" I asked him.
He said no, and booked it past the left's entrance.
I wasn't surprised.
It was dark & a bit scary for a three-year-old.
After we had gone through the whole exhibit once, he wanted to go again.
So we did.
We arrived at that point again, and he stopped at the left's entrance.
I could tell he wanted to go in, but was nervous to do it.
"Want to go in?" I asked.
"I can't do it.." he replied.
"Sure you can, I'll show you."
I took his hand, and we stepped into the dark room.
"See? It's like outer space, see all the stars? It's like we're astronauts!"
He laughed with a mix of nerves and excitement "Oooh, I'm a astronaut!"
We made it through outer space, and he wanted to go again.
And again.
And again.
Each time he held my hand the whole way.
This past week was a bit stressful... to say the least.
School started.
& life is hard to juggle.
I've found people are put in our paths at precisely the right time,
to teach us & give us things we perhaps wouldn't have learned & found otherwise.
On Wednesday I was at my dear friend's house. Her dad (who I hadn't seen in quite some time) asked me about something that had caused me a lot of heartbreak the past year or so. He asked how I was doing with it, and where I was now.
I was a bit caught off guard. He remembered such a confusing and sad time I had experienced & he genuinely wanted to know how I was. His "I'm glad to see you're doing well" was full of truth.
It was so sweet.
It reminded me of how often his daughter had taken my hand during those dark times. So frequently, she let go of what she was doing to be by my side and help me when I was so broken. There's no doubt in my mind, she was put on my path to guide me through.
I am forever grateful for you, Ms King.
Thursday after the longest 12 hours, I arrived home, covered in tears.
The week had caught up to me.
My mind was a jumbled mess.
I can't do this.
I can't work, go to school, get my homework done, have time with my family, take care of my body, date, have friends, & do what I want to for church.
It's too much.
I can't do it.
But my mom knew I could.
She took my hand
& said the encouraging words I needed to hear to lift me up from my doubt.
Then she brought me a mug of water,
because I believe everything tastes better from a mug.
& sat on my bed until my tears stopped and I was ready to go to sleep.
Friday evening was spent with the sweetest man.
He had an assignment he needed to finish and
although I had homework to do as well, my brain was fried.
So I sat near to him & leaned my tired frame on his shoulder while he got his work done.
In the middle of a problem he was doing, he turned to me, cupped my face in his hands, looked me in the eyes, and said,
"You're wonderful.
Do you know that?
You're so wonderful & need to know it."
He knew what I needed to not only hear, but know.
Just like I was able to take Owen's hand, and show him he could walk through the darkness even though he was unsure, these 3 souls did the same for me;
Over those long months, Ms King didn't say 'Stop whining about it, get over it.' On Thursday, Mom didn't say, 'You're overreacting. Get yourself together.'
And the sweetest man didn't hesitate to grab my hand and say, 'You can do it.'
They all saw where I was, took my shaking hand, and showed me who I could be.
I am so grateful for their souls.

Who has pulled you through your doubt?