
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm awesome, you're awesome.

We are all familiar with the words 'weight loss'. We're probably too familiar with that term. There are so many pills you can take, workout videos you can buy, and exercise equipment you can purchase to achieve this 'weight loss'. Our society is so focused on how we look that we forget about how we feel. I know many times I've looked in the mirror dissatisfied with how I look. I'd think to myself, "If only I had a flatter stomach. . . if only my legs were longer. . . if only those bags under my eyes would go away. . . if only that double chin would vanish. . .(and the list goes on. . .) then, I'd be happy." Guess what that accomplishes? Nothing. It makes me feel awful about myself and leaves me feeling unworthy. The past year I've been doing the opposite, I look in the mirror and I tell myself, "I'm awesome! I look awesome!", and guess what happens? I feel awesome. Funny how that works.

"We compare our worst to everyone's best."
-Marie Osmond

Don't spend time dwelling on looking like Kate Middleton or Hale Berry. They have a village helping them look the way they do. Wishing you looked like them isn't worth it. If you want to be in better shape eat healthier and be active, but don't let it consume you. Do what makes you feel good about yourself. Have higher aspirations in life than to weigh 110 pounds.

We have so many things telling us what's pretty and what's not. It's everywhere you look; on television, on the internet, on billboards and magazines. You can't escape it. It makes me feel like we won't be accepted (by whom i don't know) unless we're sticks. However, to accomplish "stick-ness" the majority of us would have to starve ourselves, live at the gym, and/or watch every single calorie we eat. That's no way to live! Life is about balance. If you're healthy, happy, and you feel good, that's what matters. Keep telling yourself you're awesome, and you will be, because you are :)

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