
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mom's Birthday

Yesterday was my mom's birthday! She got a sweet surprise from my dad! You see, Valentine's day is February 14th, my parent's anniversary is February 17th, and my mom's birthday is March 4th. Talk about a lot of celebration crammed into a few weeks. This year, for all three occasions, my dad gave her roses with cards on them, with clues as to what he got her. Yesterday, this is what the clue showed:

Yep, he sure surprised her with a trip to Hawaii! She's always wanted to go, and so this summer, they're finally going :) I'm so excited for them!

In a few months, they'll be Hawaii bound! :)

 Owen (with a little help from his sweet mom) gave this to 'G-ma'. How cute! I love little things like these.

After opening presents, we went to Hire's, my mom's favorite, for dinner. I made some cupcakes to have for dessert. My mom loves those turtle chocolates, so I found a recipe called 'mini turtle cupcakes'.
 Chocolate cupcakes, chocolate frosting, chopped pecans, and some melted caramel. They were gooood :)

Here's a little acronym spotlight about my mom:
A- is for Applies her talents. My mom has always been one to find what she's passionate about, then do it! Whether it's school, cooking, baking, running, writing, reading, crafting, or anything else her little heart desires. I remember she and I took piano lessons at the same time. Back then, I didn't realize the significance of that fact. But now I think it's really neat that she wanted to learn something, so she did it. She didn't say she was too old, or she didn't have the time, she made it happen.
L- is for Listens to me cry. I posted a few months ago about how back then, I was easily brought to tears... Yep, that's still happening, it's not as often though. Anyway, when I cry the most, it's usually out of frustration. And let me tell you, I've had a few frustrating let outs over the past few months. This mother of mine has sat next to me and listened to me vent out tears of defeat. Sometimes, I even get annoyed with my tears, but she hasn't. She hasn't said, 'get over it' or 'chill out', she gives her advice, and let's me bawl until I feel better. Thanks mom.
I- is for Intelligent. My mom is really smart. She got straight A's in school, and I mean ALL of school; from kindergarten through high school, to even now as she's started college. She applies herself and does her best. She taught me to love reading. I used to hate it, but she'd still encourage me. Each Christmas she'd give me a book, even when I didn't want them. Eventually, I gave in to her subtle hints and read a book. Now I'm hooked. Even now, she still keeps that Christmas tradition.
S- is for Sacrifice. My mom put off a lot of stuff she wanted, for the sake of us kids; everything from going to college, to buying a new couch. I know I'll never be able to grasp the sacrifices a parent makes, until I'm a parent myself, but I am so thankful for the sacrifices she made on my behalf.
O- is for Olympian ;) My mom started running a long time ago. She's competed in many races throughout the years, including 2 marathons, and Ragnar many times. A few years ago she started lap swimming, and somehow convinced me to as well. She's been an example to me of taking care of the body I've been given, even when it's hard.
N- is for Nutritive. Growing up, for breakfast she'd make us whole wheat pancakes, waffles, or french toast every single morning. I remember my friends would be surprised when I'd tell them she made breakfast. They said they wished their moms did that for them. She could have easily poured a bowl of sugary cereal for us each morning. It would have taken her 2 minutes, verses the 20 it took for the pancakes, but she wanted us as healthy as we could be, even if it meant less time to herself. There were times I longed for that bowl of lucky charms, but now I'm so grateful she ignored my whines :)

Happy Birthday Mom :)

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