
Saturday, April 13, 2013


I've recently become quite obsessed with Mumford and Sons. This came as a surprise to me, because I used find their music super annoying. 'Who likes banjos?' was my thought process. Oh how I was wrong! I didn't take time to actually listen to their music. I just switched the station as soon as I heard the banjo. Lesson learned: don't rule out anything until you try it... especially banjos.

After I got both of their albums, I had a hard time getting to know each one because I listened to each song at least 17 times in a row. I couldn't help it. They all have so many layers. I felt like I couldn't fully submerge myself into the song, or understand it in just a few listenings. So now, months later, I feel like I have a grasp on them. Out of all the lines, these, from 'Timshel', find their way to the front of my mind more often than any of the rest;

And death is at your doorstep
And it will steal your innocence
But it will not steal your substance
 I've seen so many things take people's innocence. I've seen untimely death cause children to have to grow up sooner than expected; sooner than what is fair. They shouldn't have to deal with the loss of a father, the loss of a brother, but they do... I've seen divorce cause children to step into roles they wouldn't have had otherwise; roles they don't want to have, circumstances they'd rather not be in, but they do it and accept it, because they have no choice. I've seen people lose things they can't get back, because of the actions of someone else. And they become scarred by those things they can't change; things they couldn't control.

One moment can steal your simplicity. One moment can take your security. One moment can change all that you thought to be true. One moment can alter your circumstances forever. Although your innocence in one form or another may have been lost, you're still more than that; it will not steal your substance. You are not what has happened to you. Things change you, but they don't define you. You can rise above the hurt that has been caused, the change that has taken place, and become stronger than you ever thought you could be. It can be a long road to get there, but you can get there.

The song continues;
Although loved ones can't reverse changes, they can help us cope, they can help us 'get there'; they can hold your hand. Sometimes all we need is one person to stand by us. Just knowing that they are there is enough to help us cope, to help us heal.

We don't know what people are experiencing in their lives. We don't know what's on their plate. We don't know how heavy their hearts are. Lately I've learned of a few acquaintance's painful circumstances and was shocked. I had no idea what they were dealing with. It's made me want to be so much nicer to everyone; people I know, and people I don't. We'll lose nothing by being kind. What's to stop us from reaching out?

 Let's all lend a hand <3

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