
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday! I don't even know where to begin with that man... I wish I could just reach into my heart and show you how I feel about him. Sadly, I cannot. So I'll attempt to write it out here.

I'm not sure how to start this post, or how to express myself... So perhaps I will share random memories that have stuck with me? Yes, that sounds fun :)

I think I've mentioned before how my dad loves road trips. He's taken us on soooo many. At the end of one of our trips we were driving home, and I think he needed to rest his eyes, so I was driving to give him a break. He let me listen to my Hannah Montana cd on repeat for hours. Literally hours, people. Over and over and over. (I may or may not have loved Miley Cyrus and may or may not still do. Don't judge ;)) I remember being in that passenger seat and thinking how funny it is that he didn't mind listening to Hannah at all.

I love watching my dad with Owen. It's the sweetest thing. I remember the first time he held him. My dad was sick when Owen was born and wasn't able to hold him for a week or so. We were at the Briggs' house with new baby Owen. I'll never forget the look on his face when he picked up that sweet little baby boy for the first time; love. It was pure love pouring out of him, holding O so gently. I can't recall seeing anything like it. It was a beautiful thing.

One night the parents, Brys, and I were playing board games. I'm not sure what subject we were talking about, but I think I said something about my lack of dates I had at that time and how I'd never get married (yes, I'm that dramatic at times). I remember he looked up from the game in all seriousness and said, "Karinne, (he rarely calls me that, it's usually Rin, or Rinner) I pray two things for you, twice a day. I pray for you to find a man who will love and cherish you throughout this life and all eternity, and who will love and cherish the gospel throughout this life and all eternity." I didn't even know what to say. I was so taken back by it. Of course I knew that's what he wanted for me, but to hear him say it so seriously, full-heartedly, and matter-of-factly made me want to cry. I love that man. As he's served as stake pres and bishop, he's seen a lot of heartache, more than I could ever imagine, I'm sure. He knows that if I marry a man with those 2 qualities, it could save me from a heavy heart down the road.

One night he was out to dinner, the waiter was really flustered, the restaurant was busy, and he'd made a couple mistakes. My dad still gave him a big tip, like he always does. He said the waiter was probably working 2 jobs trying to provide for his family, he wasn't going to be stingy with him over some honest mistakes. My dad knows what it's like to be that busy dad working multiple jobs. (Did I mention he never complained about it either?) He knows how it feels to wonder how food will get put on the table for his family. He is good at putting himself in other people's shoes. He's a prime example of the golden rule.

On my last blind date, which if you know me, I am a huuuuge fan of ;), my dad sent me a text in the middle of it telling me he was thinking of me and was hoping I was having a nice time. That sweet man. He made my night.

When I was growing up, my dad worked for a company installing furniture. He worked so many hours, 50 or 60 a week. At the time, I had a serious obsession with Sponge Bob. A building my dad was installing furniture in had a little machine you could pay a quarter and get one of these Sponge Bob stickers. He'd bring me home a couple some nights. I remember getting home from school, and hoping when my dad got home from work, that he'd have another sticker for me. Over a few weeks, he gave me so many. I still have them. Despite working so many hours, having a wife, 4 other kids, and a time consuming calling, he remembered I loved Sponge Bob and knew I'd love those stickers. I felt so important to him.

One thing I love about my dad so much is his willingness to help people. The other night he stayed up late with me as I poured all my troubles on him. And I'll just cry as I write this too, because it meant so much to me. As we were talking I said how silly I felt because compared to most people, and the world, my troubles are nothing. I have so much, I shouldn't complain. He stopped me right there and said, "No, no, your troubles are real to you. Just because they don't seem as big compared to others, doesn't mean they aren't important." Gah, love him.

 I've never felt like a bother to him. No matter how many times I ask him to help me or ask him something, he drops what he's doing for me. Sweet man.

I shared this pic last year, but I love it, so here it is again :)

I wish I could add up all the time he's spent talking to me and helping me. Then add up all the time he's spent talking with and helping other people... Sheesh. I wish I knew what % of his life it would be. A big number I'm sure. And the thing is, he doesn't expect anything in return.

The other day I was off work at 4. I stopped to get gas in my car and didn't make it home til 430. When I got home I saw I had a missed call from my dad. He was in the kitchen and said, 'won't it be nice when you move out, so I won't be calling you the second you should be home to make sure you're okay?' We laughed. He calls me so often. But the truth is, I will miss it.

I'm so grateful to have him as a father.

Happy birthday Dad. I love you.

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