
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Ashlee!

Ashlee's birthday was the 29th :)

On her birthday she chopped her hair off! I love her new look. She is gorgeous!

Ashlee is the sweetest person I know. She is always thinking of others; whether it's her family, friends, or neighbors. If she knows someone is having a hard time, she'll take them something or call them just to see how they're doing. A couple weeks ago she offered to watch her neighbor's 3 little kids because their mom needed help. When we asked why she did it (because watching 3 little kids, plus Owen seemed like a lot for one lady!) she said. "Because if I was in that situation I would want someone to help me." She can put herself in other people's shoes and doesn't hesitate to help, even if it seems inconvenient.

She is an amazing wife. She is such a supportive spouse. She is incredibly selfless. She always makes sure her boys are happy. She takes such good care of her little family.

Aren't they so cute together??

She is such a good mother. She is so patient with Owen. I can tell she absolutely loves being a mom. She takes her time with him and enjoys the little moments with him. When he does something funny, whether it's jibber-jabber or if he makes a funny face and we laugh, I can tell she takes those things in and cherishes them. It's so easy for parents to ignore things like that. She is a great example to me and I hope I can be as good of a mother as she is one day.

I love this picture. I can't believe this was a year and a half ago. Owen looks so little! Times flies!

She never forgets when I have an event or something important happening. I can always count on her to send me a text and wish me luck, or call me after to see how it went, without fail! When I was in high school, one day when school was over, I went out to my car I found this note on it:

She put it on my car when she was driving by that day, sweet huh?

She is my little cheerleader when it comes to doing things out of my comfort zone. A couple years ago we went to Lagoon and she and Justin somehow convinced me to do the Sky Coaster. I thought I was going to pass out haha. Whenever we go to waterparks she makes me go down the scariest slides. She's encouraged me to do Ragnar and our triathalon. Those things are definitely not my cup of tea. But Ashlee helps me do things to live life to the fullest :)

I love our faces in this picture. We were havin' some fun! :)

I love Ashlee's personality. She's not afraid to be wild and goofy. I remember growing up she'd dress up, blast music and sing and dance around. She particularly liked "She thinks my tracker's sexy" by Kenny Chesney. She would crack me up!

Just one of the many times we dressed up all crazy!

Us at girl's camp, 10 years ago? Love love love this picture :)

I love you Ash! Thanks for being such a wonderful big sister and example to me!

Happy Birthday! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet! You always make me smile and cheer me up when I am down. Thanks for being an awesome sister! I love you! PS I love the new back ground!
