
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Simple Question

Ever think about the power of a sentence? The power of a conversation?

Let me tell you a story of a conversation about a conversation that hit me hard.

This past summer, my friend and I were chit-chatting. The two of us are in the same stage of life; getting to our mid-twenties, not sure what to do school wise, single, not sure what to do career wise, debating on moving out... Ya know, the typical life of a 20-something-year-old... decisions, decisions ;)

She told me she was talking with a mutual acquaintance of ours (who is a seriously resilient lady). They had had the same conversation we were having at the moment. Their conversation went like this:

Resilient Lady: "If you could do anything for a career, anything at all, for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My friend: "Um... I think I'd be a photographer."
R.L: "Great! Then why don't you do it?"
My friend: "Huh? Well, because...."
R.L: "No, but really, what's stopping you? Why not do it?"

This hit me like a ton of bricks.

So I asked myself the same thing... If I could do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g, what would it be?

Easy answer: write.

I'd always given myself excuses as to why I couldn't, why I shouldn't;
It's not realistic.
What if no one will publish my work?
 I won't make much money at it.
Writing is more of a hobby than a profession. I have a blog, that's good enough.
I have zero experience as a real writer...
It would take a long time to write a book.
Books are completely different than blogs, you may not even be good at it.
It's hard enough for you to put your thoughts on a website for the world to see, why give them a hard copy too?
 and the list goes on...

So I kinda brushed it off. Took those thoughts and packed them away, until last week. I was at a family get-together, talking to my aunt. She's a sweety. She likes to give me ideas of what i should do school & career wise, ya know, help a sister out ;) She kept listing off options; cosmetology, dental assisting, teaching, personal training, getting a job at a bank. To all these choices, I had an excuse as to why I didn't want to. But I'm beginning to think I had so many excuses, because bottom line, I want to write.

The thing is,
maybe it's not practical.
Maybe no one will publish my work.
Maybe I won't make a dime.
Maybe in the literary world, I'm an amateur.
Maybe only 5 people would read my book.

 But that doesn't matter.

What matters is being able to look back and know i wrote it, because that's what I wanted to do. I don't want to be gray-haired, sitting in my comfy chair, starting on a book I wish I would have written decades ago. I don't want a long bucket list when I'm 65. I want my whole life to have been lived as a bucket list. 

So here it goes. It may take me years. I may struggle. Yet, I will love it; struggle, nerves, and all.

A very wise man once said,
-Gordon B. Hinckely

Think I can juggle family, friends, work, school, dating, church life, gym life, & write a book? The answer is a resounding YES. Because I want to enjoy life, not just get through it. & you should too, because it's an incredible thing we've been given.

So, here's my question to you...

If you could do anything what would it be?

Now, why aren't you doing it?

Let's live a little, yeah?

Happy Tuesday to you & yours :)


  1. So, I don't normally read blogs (you know, because it isn't very manly). But for some reason, I decided to read this today. And, I'm glad I did. Thanks Karinne!

    1. Haha well aren't you just a girly girl today! ;) seriously though, that makes me very happy. Thanks for that josh, it means a lot!

  2. Karinne, you never cease to amaze me! You are such a wise and inspirational lady. PS I would definitely read your book =)

    1. Kami! You are a gem! Thank you! You have no idea how much that means. & as soon as it's finished, you can be one of the first to read it :)

  3. Karinne, you never cease to amaze me! You are such a wise and inspirational lady. PS I would definitely read your book =)

  4. YES!!!! Karinne, you can do it!! I love reading everything you've written—you have what it takes to be a great are a great writer already!! We shall be writing buddies, and one day, we'll be sitting together at some ginormous book fair, autographing away, and I'll smile while my heart melts every time you ask someone "Why not?".

    :') <--happy tear face

    1. ANIKA! You have no idea how happy that thought makes me!! Happy heart right now :) Yes, this is happening! & you'll have your versions of your fairy tales, ah, this is doing down :)

  5. This post makes me so happy Karinne. ;)
    You are such an inspiration to me. Go change the world!

    Thanks for making my day sweet lady!

    1. Aww whit! YOU make me so happy! :) Thanks for believing in me, it means sooooo much!
