
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Your definition.

I ran into someone who used to be very close to me. Someone I love very much. I realized, although our relationship isn't close like it used to be, she is still & always will be, near to my heart. This gal had a lot of struggles. More than what I would ever think is fair. Years ago, we cried about these struggles together. She cried out of exhaustion, shock, immeasurable disappointment, and a bit of unnecessary guilt. I cried for her; that she had to endure this, that these unthinkable and devastating circumstances were part of her life now.

When we saw each a few weeks ago, we hugged and chatted for a few minutes, then parted ways. The second I said, "See you later" and turned away, my heart hurt; I couldn't focus & felt that scratchy tears-are-coming feeling in my throat. I wanted so badly to turn back and ask her,

Do you know how loved you are?
Do you know how much you deserve?
Do you know how strong you are?
Fight through this, you will make it! 
But I had seen it in her eyes; she had given up.

The reality is, these burdens and struggles became too much for this sweet gal. She tried to face them. She tried, so hard, to overcome them. But eventually, she gave up and gave in. It was easier to let those things define her. She became her circumstances.

We all have struggles. No one is exempt.
It's so easy & understandable to be consumed by those pains.
Mourning is necessary. Tears are needed. Feeling the hurt is important.

I've cried, screamed, & shook my head at the man above over my struggles.

These happenings can be so unbearably painful, that we see nothing else.
We become numb to protect ourselves from the hurt,
until we live nothing more than a hazy existence.

I don't blame my friend for making the choices she did. She has it hard. I want so much for her to find her old self, and never let her go. I hope with every ounce of hope I can make, that one day she will.

No matter what struggles you endure...

You are not what has happened to you.
You are not your past.
You are not your circumstances.
You are not your weaknesses.

Don't let your pain rule you.
Don't let it stop you.
Don't let it consume you.
Don't let it rob you of today.

You control your story.
You can change. You can forgive
You can let it go. You can rise above. 
You can overcome. You can triumph. 
You can conquer.

Take that pain and fuel it into your being to become stronger than you have ever been before.

Don't give up. Don't give in.

Stay strong.

& remember, you are loved.


  1. You're the best Karinne! I totally needed to read that today!

    1. Thanks Megan! I'm glad to hear that! You're a gem, girl.
